Huaraz, Nevado Pastoruri Tour

Huaraz, Nevado Pastoruri Tour

Explore the extensive Pastoruri glacier and its surroundings.


per traveler

Huaraz, Nevado Pastoruri Tour

Rating: 5 | 20262 Reviews
Explore the extensive Pastoruri glacier and its surroundings.

This tour begins its journey to the south of the Callejón de Huaylas, passing through the province of Recuay until we reach the Catac district where we make the first stop, then we go to Gasified Waters of Pumapampa, where we will have a view of the snowy Morroraju. Continuing the tour we will be able to admire a lagoon of different colors that when going up and down the stairs lead us to the Pumashimi Water Mirror. Then we visit Puya Raymondi, one of the impressive flora that the Cordillera Blanca has. Finally and after a hike of approximately 1 hour, we will arrive at the Pastoruri Glacier at 5,100 meters above sea level, here you can rent horses and save the walking time. On the way back we will make a stop in Catac for lunch.

Tour Photos

  • nevado pastoruri
  • catac pastoruri
  • huaraz nevado pastoruri
  • pastoruri glacier peru
  • pastoruri carretera
  • pastoruri huaraz

What Is Included?

  • Tourist transport.
  • Official tourist guide.
  • Huascaran National Park entrance

What is not included?

  • Food and beverages
  • Additional features.

  • Passport.
  • Comfortable clothes.
  • Photographic camera.
  • Cash for food, beverages and souvenirs, other

  • Departures all year round every day at 9:30 a.m.

  • Any trip cancellation must be stated 24 hours before, otherwise there is no right to claim